I moved on to Bioshock Infinite. Spoilers or whatever. Spoilers for a game that everyone has already played, a 26 year old Alan Parker film and a 127 year old Jules Verne story.
The game begins, I'm shot into Heaven by a rocket and find out that now I'm stuck in a Disneyworld full of people I wouldn't want to be around, a sterile amusement park where you're not allowed to do anything unexpected or die while inside.
Things quickly take a turn and then we're off. Elizabeth is every bit the Disney princess, and playing the part of Booker the swashbuckling Beast is fun enough for a while, but it wears thin too soon.
Soon the wonder is gone and Disneyworld becomes a depressing shell of itself. Everyone is dead, gone or attacking me on sight, and my most emotional interactions are with the buttons of elevators. Elevators move me as much as anything.

I've killed or driven off everyone in Main Street USA and am now marching through the rest of the rides and attractions, looking at something just long enough to strip it of cash, food and salty booze.

There are yawning tears in the reality of the world, treacherous gaps in the story, holes everywhere, places where it feels like content was cut or altered in haste- I can't help but feel we should've seen or heard more of Jeremiah Fink, Songbird and Booker's time with the Vox- and I have a suspicion we'll only do so through DLC.

Despite making a valiant attempt to confuse and aggravate the player with the way it delves into time travel, parallel universes and shameless usage of some of the hoariest plot devices and tropes available to modern mad science fiction, I don't think I have much to add to the discussions of Bioshock Infinite- most of what I'd like to discuss and what I wish I'd said is already out there.

In short, it's another post-modernist first person shooter like Spec Ops: The Line or something. Probably. I didn't finish Spec Ops.
First-person shooting is really all you'll be doing so it's nice that it does it at least adequately, unlike Bioshock, but it certainly doesn't throw anything new or unexpected at you. Big slow guys are scary, guys with knives will run at you, snipers and explosives are annoying and keep their distance. You get magic combat powers and things to upgrade. It's an FPS. That's all it is, a well-made single player FPS that literally runs on rails at times.

They have nothing else in common, but they complement each other well. They both wrapped meu up in their narratives but only one of them gave me anything to think about.
It's a very simple story told mainly through nice pictures.